Advent Virtual Family Retreat
Welcome to a week of faith and fun for your family! This virtual retreat is a chance for you to prepare and celebrate the coming of Jesus at home this Advent season.
There are 3 stops along this retreat journey with activities and prayers for the whole family to do together.
Please feel free to share photographs of your family on social media as you participate in our virtual retreat by tagging our parish social media accounts and using the hashtag #AdventTravels
Journeying to Jesus
Have you ever felt really happy? Truly happy? One word for that is joy. Joy is gladness you feel deep down because of God's constant love.
Read Matthew 2:10-11
1. What does joy mean?
2. How does knowing Jesus bring you joy?
3. Where do you find joy in life?
Jesus, You Are!
Jesus, you are light in the darkest places. Shine hope into our hearts we pray.
Jesus, you are peace in the rockiest storm. Bring peace into our hearts we pray.
Jesus, you are joy in the saddest times. Shine joy in our hearts we pray.
Jesus, you are love where this hatred. Bring love into our hearts we pray.
Watch Together
Reflect Together
Craft Together
Pray Together
When we have hope in the coming of Jesus, we are reminded that God loves us and always gives us what we need. Having hope in God doesn’t mean that we wish for things to happen, but that we put our trust and faith in God always!
Read Romans 5:5
1. How do we usually use the word hope?
2. Why do we put our hope in God?
3. What are some things you hope for?
**You will need small gift boxes, index cards, and markers for this game.
1. on the index cards write the names of various gifts a person could receive. (toys, games, socks, candy, etc.) - be sure to also include some gifts a person may not hope for (homework, chores, bedtime)
2. place index cards around the house and have a scavenger hunt to find them all.
3. discuss what they are hoping is inside the boxes before opening and how that item can be a blessing from God after the boxes are opened.
Give Us Hope!
Almighty God, give us true faith, and make that faith grow in us day by day. Give us love, so that we may share it with everyone we meet along the way! Help us to trust in your special care, and fill us with hope to remember that you are always there. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Watch Together
Reflect Together
Play Together
Pray Together
Things can get to be very busy this time of year, and people run all around trying to find just the right gifts and decorations. But Christmas comes with a special message of peace for us all. Jesus allows us to have peace in our lives because He is the Savior who guides us through everything.
Read John 14:27
1. Why is Jesus called the Prince of Peace?
2. Where do you go to find peace?
3. How can you find peace in Jesus?
**You will need heavy white paper, scissors, yellow construction paper, crayons/markers.
The dove is often seen as a sign of peace.
1. trace each family member's hand on heavy white paper.
2. cut out each handprint / draw small black dots at the top of the thumbs for the eyes.
3. using yellow paper, cut out beaks for the doves.
4. decorate the rest of the hand to be the body and wings.
5. use ornament hangers to hang your dove family.
Let There Be Peace On Earth!
Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
family all are we.
Let us walk with each other
in perfect harmony.
Let’s take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.