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This page provides materials to help you know what to expect at an EDGE Night and to help you in your role. Scroll down and click on the different options to learn more.
Why have Faith Formation Programs on Sundays?The main Faith Formation programs are scheduled on Sundays to facilitate families being able to attend Mass. Mass is the "source and summit" of our Catholic faith and any faith formation is impossible without it. Additionally, on the faith formation survey more families indicated that they preferred once a month programs on Sundays over weekdays.
My child’s name or grade is incorrect. How can I update it?You can log in to your Church Center account on the web or on the app and update your profile and those in your family’s as well.
What in addition to ENCOUNTER sessions is required for Communion Prep?All that is required other than the monthly session are the following: PREREQUISITES: - Registered with the Parish - Actively participating in the life of the Parish EVENTS: - First Penance Service - Communion Retreat - Participating in Accompany Nights - Parent participation in 2 parent meetings during the year - First Communion Ceremony Rehearsal
How can I sign my child up for Communion Prep if they are in a grade above 2nd grade?If your child is in grades 3-5 and needs 1st Communion, please contact to be registered for First Communion Preparation and discuss the options for age appropriate preparation.
What do I do if I know we can not attend all of the faith formation sessions that I am registered for?If you cannot attend all the sessions in your selected group, please email as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
My child is in middle school. When do they begin the Confirmation Prep program?Confirmation preparation will be a one year, interactive program open to those at least entering the 9th grade, where candidates will prepare during the winter of their freshmen year and be confirmed in the Fall of the 10th grade year [late September]. Families seeking Confirmation for their teens are asked to be registered parishioners and active in the life of the Parish, as Confirmation means a full initiation into the active life within the Church.
Why have the Confirmation Prep program be one year, open to those in the 9th Grade?"Being confirmed is a gift and an important step on the faith journey, one which we want to support and ensure that students have discerned and are ready to make. Allowing middle-schoolers to complete the middle school Faith Formation program first allows them to be invested in as middle-schoolers and finish forming a foundation during their middle school years before entering a more formal sacramental preparation process. The benefits of sacramental preparation in high school is that high-schoolers tend to have a higher capacity to grasp the meaning of the sacrament and its responsibilities. It is the natural season of maturing when they are preparing for adulthood in general. In this way, the Church can better accompany them during this life transition, helping them see both joys and challenges through the lens of an important sacrament that strengthens them. 9th grade and Confirmation correlate in that they are both times of beginning anew, as Confirmation is not "graduation" from the lived experience of faith. Additionally, on the faith formation survey, more families indicated that they preferred a one year program in the 9th grade.
My child has special needs. What can I do if the Faith Formation programs are not a functional environment for my child?If your child has special needs and you believe that they will need more individualized attention, we do have other opportunities available and would be glad to work to accompany your family's faith formation journey. Please contact for more information.
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