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Grades 5 - 8

Beatitudes - Part 1

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Beatitudes Reflection

Click below for the opening prayer, which uses the Beatitudes to help us ask God that we be transformed.

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The message Jesus proclaimed was one that is both counter cultural and transformative. 

The video explains the heart of that message and the model Jesus gave us for how we should respond through in our day to day lives.

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The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' "game plan" for how he wants his disciples to live. To be transformed means to transform our attitudes. 

This piece will introduce the key terms of Beatitudes and Free Will, which when practiced conscientiously, will help us be transformed.

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1. Choose at least two of the Beatitudes. 

2. Discuss possible obstacles to holding on to these "attitudes".
For instance, a grudge that we are still holding on to may be an obstacle to being a peacemaker.

3. Brainstorm ways in which you can better incorporate these "attitudes" into your life. Come up with a concrete way to live each of these Beatitudes.
For instance, to be merciful, we can commit to letting go of a grudge.

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