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Directions & Schedule

306 Morris Ave Summit NJ 07901

If you are attending one of our Masses in our Main Church, our parking lot is adjacent to it, with entrances on Morris Avenue and Locust Drive.  Parking for Memorial Hall Masses is located to the left of Memorial Hall, with the lot entrance on Broad Street.

There is handicapped access at the left side entrance of the Main Church and the right side entrance of Memorial Hall.

If you have questions during your time here, feel free to visit our Information Center,

located to the far left of the Main Church's lobby.



Founded in 1863, St Teresa of Avila Parish has been serving the Summit area for over 150 years.
It is our hope, as part of both the larger Catholic Church and the Summit community,
to continue to write new history as we work to further the mission of Christ. 
For Faith Formation inquiries, please email
For parish information and general inquiries, please email
We will respond to your question as soon as possible.
Faith Formation | Cemetery & MausoleumSchool


Church & Parish Office

Cemetery & Mausoleum


306 Morris Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
Tel: 908-277-3700
Fax: 908-273-5909

136 Passaic Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
Mausoleum: 908-277-3741
Cemetery: 908-598-9426

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