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Grades 5 - 8

Trust - Part 1

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Lectio Divina - Mary's Yes

Pray using Luke 1:26-28, where Mary says yes to the angel at the Annunciation.

Click below for a guide on praying with this passage.

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Do we really trust God? Fr Mark Mary, CFR helps us ask and answer this question for ourselves by sharing from his own life in this video...and sharing about his encounter with a rhino.

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God wants great things for our lives, but allowing God to change our lives according to His will requires that we first trust in God. 

What does this look like? And what can God do when we give our fiat, our yes, to Him? The following piece will help look at these questions.

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As a family, discuss what is coming up over the next two weeks that you might be worried about, anxious for, or unsure about how it will play out. Let this be a time not about offering suggestions, but listening to what is going on in each other's lives.

Pray a decade of the Rosary (1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be) together for these things, entrusting them to God and asking for the grace to trust as Mary did.

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