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Grades 1 - 4

Knowing God

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Lead Me, Lord

Lead me, Lord, today in Your loving ways.
Guide me as I follow You
so that I may know You more
and love You better each day! 


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While learning to know about God, children can have many questions that come up for them as they try to understand who God is in their lives. Their questions are valid and beautifully filled with opportunities for them to grow deeper in their relationship with Him.

This video helps to answer a few of those questions. Using scripture, this animated video helps to answer questions like who God is, what is He like, and who made God - all of which help to deepen and grow little hearts closer to Him.  

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When children come to learn about God, they also become interested in explaining Him in details that are relative to their lives. They may draw pictures, for example, to show their understanding.

Karen Kiefer's book, Drawing God, is an excellent read for families to share together as they get to know God. "Drawing God is a story for children to discover what inspires their very own faith" and how we all see and experience God differently.

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God works in many wonderful ways in our lives each day and we all experience who God is for us differently. Below are some activities that you can do as a family to get to know God better.


-Spend one night as a family discussing where and how you saw God that day.

-Have each person draw their own picture of what they feel God looks like and share why they feel that way.

-Pick a Bible story where God is featured. Read it as a family and discuss the aspects of God you saw, heard, and felt in that story.

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